Friday, December 7, 2012

A birthday and life lately

So this post was a long time coming,
but blogger decided to be a nerd and wouldn't let me upload more images 
until I agreed to fork out more money for storage.
I guess you could put me on that hoarders show....except for jpeg files.
someone had a birthday!
 We went way low key this year...
just a simple robot cake (by request) which Nate helped design and decorate,
simple decorations,
and a small family party...
where Jango Fett was the guest of honor.
 Note that we have no pictures of  Thanksgiving
since we were the lucky recipients of a stomach bug.

Later in the week....
it got a little bit Christmasy around here.
We visited the Lake Wilderness Holiday Lights celebration with some friends...
 We were also visited by a mini destroyer.
(Perfect timing for commencement of crawling...maximum use of sarcasm intended).
His latest tricks include sitting up and crawling sans worm- now with knees!
We were also visited by Scout, the elf.
Here is what he has been up to so far...
marshmallow hot tubbing with Avengers,
hanging out,
tight rope walking,
and a quick game of Spot It with Woody.
Ohhhh, silly elf.
 19 days and counting people!

1 comment:

Steve and Donna said...

creative and beautiful. Your boys are getting so big- esp. Harrison