For St. Patrick's Day, we celebrated by having a green dinner!
Normally, I don't really go for the artificially coloring the food thing,
but I couldn't find any corned beef (and cabbage) to save my life. So the boys had green quesadillas.
Since living here, I've learned that Americans celebrate things that the English really don't care about.
St. Patrick's Day is one they leave to the Irish
(aside from maybe having a pint at the pub for St. Patty)
Nate wearing one of his best "forced smiles"...
Spence doing a bit better...and enjoying the greeness of it all.
We made this fun drink. It is basically just 7up and green jello-jigglers.
The boys loved it because the jigglers would dance around in the bubbles- it made for great dinner entertainment. So much so, that I had to take it away at one point so he would eat his food.
Nate specifically requested that I take a picture of him doing here it is!
Spence analyzing the properties and elements of the jello...
green clover rolls...
And now for the RED...
They may not celebrate St. Patrick's Day much here, but they do celebrate
Red Nose Day!
What is that you ask? Well check this out to learn more...
They all wear red to school and they can get pretty crazy...
I saw girls in tutus and all kinds of red clown noses and other fun things....
Nate was totally looking forward to it. He talked about nothing else for days!
It is pretty cool why they celebrate Red Nose Day...and it actually benefits someone!
So that is how we celebrated Green and Red!
Nate now wants to celebrate ALL the colors of the rainbow....
should make for an interesting week.

they look good in any color- very creative dinner :)
Fun! I love the drink idea! We may just have to do that for fun-maybe the first day it hits 70 degrees...which probably won't be for 2-3 months!! Zac has that same red shirt! He loves it!
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