Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dennis the Menace

I went to pull out Spencer's hand-me-down overalls to wear the other morning,
and sadly realized that this is probably the last time he will ever wear them.
He's had a little growth spurt recently, and now they are too short for him.
The nostalgic mom in me decided to snap a few pics.

R.I.P. little boy overalls.
You were well-loved and worn to prove it.
When he wears these, he totally reminds me of
Dennis the Menace...
 He's got the blond hair and mischievous grin (and brain) to prove it.
Here is a little clip from the movie, that I love.
Best. movie. ever.
Don't judge.


Steve and Donna said...

just when I think Spencer can't get more adorable- he does! What a ham... he really knows how to work the camera. Thanks for the pictures complete with sheep in the background!

andrea thompson said...

you really should change his name to dennis...