Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Le Artist

Lately, Spence has really taken to his artistic side. Here are some photos of his latest work. His canvas of choice (this time) was...well....
his face.

I love how he chooses to mix different mediums to create a more complex composition. I'd say it is Postmodern Contemporary with a twist of Abstract Expressionism.

Notice his use of color and texture to create a balance in the piece. It really evokes a deep internal emotion doesn't it?
(I won't say what internal motions it created in me...)
And here he is adding the final touches to his masterpiece.
Such a little perfectionist!



Lindsey said...

Yikes! No fun to clean up, I'm sure. Collin's decided it's fun to take off his bib at meal time, and I noticed Spence doesn't have one on in the pics. I even wore one at lunch and dinner today so he'd know how cool bibs are. It didn't work. :-)

Steve and Donna said...

your Dad and I got quite a laugh out of our budding artist. Takes after his mother- we told you our grandchildren are brillant. :)d